
BCL has extensive experience in advising across the full range of evolving regulatory risks faced by organisations and individuals.

Regulatory compliance is increasingly in the spotlight, with the risk of severe penalties and significant reputational harm. Our longstanding expertise includes corporate manslaughter, health and safety, fire safety, building safety, food safety and hygiene, consumer protection and trading standards, and environmental protection, in addition to matters such as money laundering and Proceeds of Crime Act issues, anti-money laundering and anti-corruption compliance, cannabis licensing and proceeds, and the FCA’s regulatory regime.

Our focus on contentious regulatory and criminal matters (i.e. investigations, prosecutions and associated proceedings such as inquests and inquiries) offers clients a niche firm with longstanding experience and broad capability. The firm’s regulatory and criminal pedigree and array of leading specialists ensures access to multi-disciplinary advice across the full spectrum of compliance risks, including during the largest and most complex investigations and prosecutions involving overlapping allegations and multiple regulators.