A public inquiry is a major independent investigation into a matter of public concern, designed to establish what happened, why, and how future incidents can be prevented. A Coroner’s Inquest is an investigation into certain deaths, to determine where, when, and how an individual died. Both inquests and inquiries can create risks of associated criminal and regulatory prosecutions, as well as significant reputational damage.
We have acted in many of the most high-profile public inquiries under the Inquiries Act 2005, which by their nature attract a great deal of media attention and can have far-reaching consequences for those concerned. Inquiries are increasingly capturing the public’s attention, with demands for transparency, remedial action, and accountability following high-profile incidents. We have experience in advising core participants and witnesses throughout the entire inquiry process, including making detailed submissions regarding the evidence, advising regarding privilege against self-incrimination, responding to warning letters regarding intended criticism, and supporting witnesses to prepare witness statements and give live evidence.
An inquest’s findings often shape the nature of any subsequent investigation or prosecution, or even whether one will take place, and may be the only opportunity for the family of the deceased to discover how the death occurred. As such, every inquest is extremely important to the family of the deceased and also to any other interested party that might subsequently be the subject of criminal or regulatory proceedings. We have experience advising regarding large and sensitive Coroner’s investigations and supporting our clients through the complete inquest process
With significant experience in the investigations and prosecutions that may follow an inquest or inquiry, including long-standing expertise in complex criminal and regulatory offences such as corporate manslaughter, gross negligence manslaughter, and regulatory offences, we are ideally placed to ensure that organisations, employees, bereaved families, and other interested parties’ interests and reputations are fully protected.
We provide specialist advice and representation to companies and individuals in areas such as:
- Advising interested persons, core participants, and witnesses of inquests and inquiries, including regarding the scope and nature of the proceedings and relevant powers.
- Responding to investigations of the Coroner or inquiry chairman, including compelled requests for documentation or other evidence (under s.21 of the Inquiries Act 2005 or Schedule 5 of the Coroners and Justice Act 2009).
- Advising regarding documentary and witness evidence, including the provision of material to assist the inquest or inquiry (for example, preparing responses to Rule 9 requests).
- Advising regarding strategy to reach the appropriate conclusion or recommendations.
- Legal professional privilege and privilege against self-incrimination.
- Challenging the decisions of a Coroner or inquiry panel by judicial review.
- Responding to warning letters regarding potential criticism under Rule 13 of the Inquiry Rules 2006.
- Reports to Prevent Future Deaths (formerly known as Rule 43 reports).