
John Binns has been quoted in GIR’s article on HMRC’s increased interest in the higher-value cases of law enforcement

According to Global Investigations Review enforcement statistics, the average amount in account freezing orders and account forfeitures obtained by HM Revenue and Customs has more than doubled in the last four years. BCL partner John Binns has been quoted in GIR’s article, discussing HMRC’s increased interest toward the higher-value cases of law enforcement.

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David Hardstaff and John Binns write for Cannabis Wealth exploring fresh challenges for the UK’s CBD industry

BCL partner John Binns and senior associate David Hardstaff write for Cannabis Wealth  discussing the regulatory landscape in the UK following the EFSA’s decision to pause all novel foods evaluations for CBD products.

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Richard Reichman speaks to the Investors’ Chronicle on greenwashing

BCL partner, Richard Reichman discusses with Investors’ Chronicle the likely approach UK regulators will adopt in an attempt to stop financial institutions suspected of making misleading green claims. This comes after a raid of a German Asset Management firm last month, that prompted a criminal probe following allegations of so-called ‘greenwashing’ by the organisation.

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John Binns writes for Money Laundering Bulletin discussing the UK’s law enforcement on Russian oligarchs

Can sanctions on Russian oligarchs be used to confiscate illicit wealth? BCL partner John Binns writes for Money Laundering Bulletin exploring how the UK law enforcement could move from a regime designed to freeze assets as a tool of foreign policy, to one that might achieve their permanent forfeiture.

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